
Ang buhay ng tao parang mga palayan

na natatanaw sa daan pauwi sa amin.


Binabagyo, nababad sa araw,

binabaha’t tinatangay ng hangin.


Ngunit sa huli’y, namumunga pa rin

upang sa ‘ting mga hapag ay may maihain.


17 February 2020. 2141 HRS.


We were complete strangers

But our first encounter seemed like we’ve known each other for so long

I remember walking into that coffeeshop’s glass door.


Just when I stepped on the door mat

You waved with a grin

As if you were expecting me.

I smiled. Just smiled.

Not to mention, my eyes twinkled.

And that was the first time I saw you.


Why am I here?

46962711_2049415855104481_8056039198982930432_nWhy am i here?

I am here because you left

I am here because I’m trying to remake the space that might have been ours

I am here because it is here that I have you.


It is here that the memory of you exists.

It is here that I feel your existence.

It is here that we exist.

But now I am here because you left.


I am here because I am hoping that maybe

just maybe,

you might be here with me too.


(24th October 2018, UP Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines)

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